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Research Abstracts - 2006
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Word Acquisition Using Unsupervised Acoustic Pattern Discovery

Alex S. Park & James R. Glass


We are working on a conceptually simple algorithm which can analyze an audio recording and automatically discover and identify recurring patterns which are likely to be significant with respect to the content of the recording. The initial component of our algorithm is a completely unsupervised method for grouping acoustically similar patterns into clusters using pair-wise comparisons. Unlike traditional approaches to speech processing which use an automatic speech recognizer, this clustering process does not utilize a pre-specified lexicon. There are many ways in which the clusters can be used: for directly summarizing unprocessed audio streams, for initializing a lexicon prior to performing more exhaustive recognition, or for performing information retrieval tasks on the recording. In [1], we first introduced and demonstrated the utility of our pattern discovery method for augmenting audio information retrieval. Here, we discuss extensions to our original approach which allow us to use the clusters to automatically identify words in the audio stream without explicitly relying on an ASR system.


Our approach can be summarized in 3 main stages which are listed and described below.

  1. Segmental Dynamic Time Warping

    Typically, dynamic time warping (DTW) is used to find the optimal global alignment between two whole word exemplars. In our work, we face the problem of aligning two continuous speech utterances together to find matching regions that correspond to common words or phrases. This type of scenario requires that we find local alignments of matching subsequences rather than the single globally optimal alignments.

    In order to address these limitations, we introduced a segmental variation of DTW in [1] which is illustrated in Figure 1. After computing the distance matrix betwen two utterances, constrained diagonal bands of width W are searched for alignment paths. The constrained bands serve two purposes: First, via the width parameter W, they limit the amount of temporal distortion that can occur between two sub-utterances during alignment. Second, they allow for multiple alignments, as each band corresponds to another potential path with different start and end points from the global alignment path.

    In practice, we use silence detection to break the audio stream into separate utterances and then repeat the segmental DTW process for each pair of utterances. As utterances are compared against each other, the concentration of path fragments at particular locations in the audio stream will indicate higher recurrence of the pattern occuring at that location.

    The Segmental DTW Procedure

    Figure 1: The segmental DTW algorithm. As in normal DTW, the distance matrix is computed between two utterances. The matrix is then cut into overlapping diagonals (only one shown here) with width W. The optimal alignment path within each diagonal band is then found using DTW and the resulting path is trimmed to the least average subsequence. Finally, the trimmed alignment paths are retained as the subsequence alignments between

  2. Node Extraction

    The result of the segmental DTW phase is a set of alignment paths distributed throughout the audio stream. Although the alignment paths overlap common time regions, path boundaries typically do not coincide with each other and multiple intervals exist for each point in time. We deal with this by aggregating the extract a set of time indices from the audio stream by aggregating the inverted distortion profiles of the alignment paths to form a similarity profile over time. After smoothing the similarity profile with a triangular averaging window, we take the peaks from the resulting smoothed profile and use them to represent the multiple paths overlaying that point in time. The extracted time indices demarcate locations that bear resemblance to other locations in the audio stream. This process is shown in Figure 2.

    The reasoning behind this procedure can be understood by noting that only some portions of the audio stream will have high similarity (i.e. low distortion) to other portions. By focusing on the peaks of the aggregated similarity profile, we restrict ourselves to finding those locations that are most similar to other locations. Since every alignment path covers only a small segment, the similarity profile will fluctuate over time. This causes the audio stream to separate naturally into multiple nodes corresponding to distinct patterns that can be joined together in an adjacency graph as shown in Figure 3.

    Construction of adjacency graph from intervals

    Figure 2: Production of an adjacency graph from alignment paths and extracted nodes. The audio stream is shown as a timeline, while the alignment paths are shown as pairs of colored lines at the same height above the timeline. Node relations are captured by the graph on the right, with edge weights given by the path similarities.

    Construction of adjacency graph from intervals

    Figure 3: Production of an adjacency graph from alignment paths and extracted nodes. The audio stream is shown as a timeline, while the alignment paths are shown as pairs of colored lines at the same height above the timeline. Node relations are captured by the graph on the right, with edge weights given by the path similarities.

  3. Cluster Identification

    The procedure we use to assign words to the clusters generated from the previous section is relatively straightforward. For a given cluster, C, a phonetic recognizer is used to transcribe the interval underlying each node and convert it into a set of n-phones. Likewise, the pronunciations for all words in a large baseform dictionary, W, are converted into sets of n-phones. This process reduces each node, , and each word, , into sets of n-phone sequences. By comparing the similarity of the words in the dictionary to the nodes in C, the most likely candidate word common to the cluster can be found. The hypothesized cluster identity is given by

    equation description

    In this equation, we use the normalized intersection between the sets and as a measure of similarity and aggregate this over all nodes in the cluster for each word. We include the factor in the denominator to normalize for the size of and , so that longer/shorter words are not favored due to their length. The factor of 2 in the numerator is included so that the overall score ranges between 0 and 1. Using this similarity score, we can easily generate an N-best list of word candidates for each cluster.

Experiments and Results

The speech data used for our experiments is taken from a corpus of audio lectures collected at MIT [2]. The entire corpus consists of approximately 300 hours of lectures from a variety of academic courses and seminars. The audio was recorded using an omni-directional microphone in a classroom environment. In a previous paper, we described characteristics of this lecture data and performed recognition and information retrieval experiments [3]. Each lecture typically contains a large amount of speech (from thirty minutes to an hour) from a single person in an unchanging acoustic environment. On average, each lecture contained only 800 unique words, with high usage of subject-specific words and phrases. Each of the lectures used in our experiments was taken from courses in computer science (CS), physics, and linear algebra.

Computer Science
Cluster Size Common Word(s) Purity Hypothesis Score
72 square root 1.00 square 0.23
40 procedure 0.97 procedure 0.34
21 combination 1.00 commination 0.43
19 computer 1.00 computer 0.63
17 primitive 0.94 primitive 0.12
14 definition 1.00 definition 0.29
12 parentheses 1.00 prentice 0.29
12 product 0.83 prada 0.65
10 operator 0.80 operator 0.37
10 and 1.00 and 0.29
Linear Algebra
Cluster Size Common Word(s) Purity Hypothesis Score
73 combination 0.52 combination 0.26
46 be 0.24 woodby 0.03
45 column 1.00 column 0.85
42 and 0.64 manthe 0.04
32 minus 0.94 minus 0.45
30 matrix 0.97 matrix 0.69
27 is 0.56 get 0.08
22 right hand side 0.95 righthand 0.46
14 picture 1.00 picture 0.88
11 one and 1.00 wanna 0.26
Cluster Size Common Word(s) Purity Hypothesis Score
21 is 0.24 paced 0.05
18 charge 1.00 charge 0.76
17 positively 0.76 positively 0.48
16 electricity 1.00 electricity 0.71
9 forces 0.89 forces 0.72
9 positive 0.89 positive 0.94
7 gravitational 1.00 invitational 0.61
6 times ten to 1.00 tent 0.57
6 distance 0.83 distance 0.51
5 gravity 1.00 gravity 0.44

Table 1: Ten largest clusters for lectures in computer science, linear algebra, and physics. From left to right, the columns list cluster size, the underlying common reference word(s) for the cluster, the cluster purity (fraction of nodes containing the common reference word(s)), the top cluster identity hypothesis, and the hypothesis score.

In Table 1 , we show example clusters from each lecture ranked by size and include the results of the cluster identification algorithm. At first glance, we found that the identification procedure worked surprisingly well given that we did not use a unigram language model to bias the baseform dictionary prior to search. We show individual clusters rather than overall identification accuracy because we found the types of errors made by the algorithm particularily enlightening.

The errors highlighted in blue originate with the clustering component of our algorithm. The clusters erroneously combine acoustically similar, but lexically dissimilar nodes consisting of function word sequences, and word components. Examples include {"this is", "misses", "which is"} and {"would be", "b", "see"}. The lexical disagreement for these clusters can be seen in their purity scores, which measures what fraction of the nodes contain the most common reference word(s) for the cluster. An important observation we can make, however, is that the scores for the hypothesized words are very low, indicating that we can use the identification score as a metric for rejecting these types of clusters.

The errors highlighted in purple and pink can be attributed to limitations of the identification procedure. Multi-word phrase clusters induce purple errors, where the best matching single word in the dictionary only partially covers the reference phone sequence. In the case of "right hand side" and "square root", the algorithm finds one of the constituent words, but for "times ten to", the best matching word is "tent", which occurs phonetically, but not lexically, in the phrase.

Pink errors are characterized by single-word clusters with relatively high purity. Upon examining the node phonetic transcriptions, we concluded that the errors for these cases is due to the inability of the phonological rules to account for the surface realization of the word. Conspicuous examples are all present in the CS lecture, where the lecturer consistently omits the "b" in "combination" and omits both schwas in "parentheses". In the future, we may be able to mitigate these errors by using more powerful phonological rules or by adopting a more flexible search phase. It is interesting to note that almost all of these errors occurred in the CS lecture, which suggests that their occurrence may be dependent on speaking style.

Ongoing Research

In the future, we plan to improve upon the results we have presented by iterating the word discovery process and by using phone lattices instead of the top phone transcription during the cluster identification stage. We can also incorporate lexical knowledge to help identify clusters by using the word N-best lists for each cluster to find the set of words that maximizes some joint probability of all words occurring in a single document. Even without the cluster identification component, we believe that our approach has many potential uses. In many tasks involving the organization of large amounts of audio data, the core idea of pattern discovery may be more suitable than a traditional speech recognizer because it is completely language independent and requires no training data. The unsupervised nature of the algorithm also makes it useful for improving our understanding of how to learn directly from speech.


[1] A. Park and J. Glass, Towards Unsupervised Pattern Discovery in Speech. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 2005.

[2] J. Glass, T. J. Hazen, L. Hetherington, and C. Wang, Analysis and Processing of Lecture Audio Data: Preliminary investigations. In Proc. HLT-NAACL 2004 Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Speech Indexing and Retrieval, pp. 9--12, Boston, May 2004.

[3] A. Park, T. J. Hazen, and J. Glass, Automatic processing of audio lectures for information retrieval: Vocabulary selection and language modeling, In Proc. ICASSP , pp. I--497--450, Philadelphia, 2005.

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