Experimental resutls

We compare the convergence speed of VB and PX-VB for the ARD model on both synthetic data and gene expression data. The synthetic data are sampled from the sinc function with added Gaussian noise. We use RBF kernels for the feature expansion n with kernel width 3.  VB and PX-VB provide basically identical fitting to the data. For gene expression data, we apply ARD to analyze the relationship between binding motifs and the expression of their target genes. For this task, we use the third order polynomial kernels.  The results of convergence comparison are shown in figure 1. With a little modification
of VB updates, we increase the convergence speed significantly.

Comparing convergence speed on synthetic dataComparing convergence speed on gene expression data
Figure 1.  Convergence comparison between VB and PX-VB for ARD regression on synthetic data (a) and gene expression data (b).