[1] Eric J. Breck, John D. Burger, Lisa Ferro, Lynette Hirschman, David House, Marc Light, and Inderjeet Mani. How to Evaluate Your Question Answering System Every Day ... and Still Get Real Work Done. In Proceedings of the second international conference on Language Res ources and Evaluation (LREC2000), June 2000.
[2] Jimmy Lin and Dina Demner-Fushman. Automatically Evaluating Answers to Definition Questions. Technical Report 119, February 2005.
[3] Gregory Marton and Alexey Radul. Nuggeteer: Automatic Nugget-Based Evaluation using Descriptions and Judgements. In Proceedings of NAACL/HLT, 2006.
[4] Ellen Voorhees. Overview of the TREC 2005 question answering track. NIST publication, 2005.
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