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Research Abstracts - 2007
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Annotations on Java Types

Michael D. Ernst & Matt Papi


We propose an extension to Java's annotation system [Bra04a] that permits annotations to appear on any use of a type, not just on class/method/field/variable declarations, as is the case in Java SE 6. Such a generalization removes arbitrary limitations of Java's annotation system, and it enables new uses of annotations. We are also considering other extensions, such as permitting multiple instances of a given annotation at one location, and permitting annotations on statements. The proposal has two parts: changes to the Java language annotation syntax and to the class file format. These changes necessitate some modifications to tools in the JDK.

The annotation extensions are intended to be a standard part of Java SE 7 that will be supported by every Java compiler. JCP (Java Community Process) Executive Committee, which controls the Java language and toolset, has given preliminary approval, and within the JCP the proposal is known as JSR 308. Further votes are required in the Java Community Process before the Java 7 language is officially amended.

The proposal document specifies the syntax of extended Java annotations, but it makes no commitment as to their semantics. As with Java's existing annotations [Bra04a], the semantics is dependent on annotation processors (compiler plug-ins), and not every annotation is necessarily sensible in every location where it is syntactically permitted to appear. The proposal is compatible with existing annotations, such as those specified in JSR 250, “Common Annotations for the Java Platform” [Mor06], and JSR 305, “Annotations for Software Defect Detection” [Pug06].

The proposal does not change the compile-time, load-time, or run-time semantics of Java. It does not change the abilities of Java annotation processors [Dar06]. The proposal merely makes annotations more general — and thus more useful for their current purposes, and also usable for new purposes that are compatible with the original vision for annotations [Bra04a].

Type qualifiers

One example use of annotation on types is to create custom type qualifiers in the Java language. Type qualifiers are modifiers that provide extra information about a type or variable; they can be thought of as a form of subtyping. Type qualifiers can help prevent errors and make possible a variety of program analyses. Since they are user-defined, developers can create and use the type qualifiers that are most appropriate for their software. A designer can define new type qualifiers using Java annotations, and can provide compiler plug-ins to check their semantics (for instance, by issuing lint-like warnings during compilation). A programmer can then use these type qualifiers throughout a program to obtain additional guarantees at compile time about the program. A system for custom type qualifiers requires extensions to Java's annotation system, described in this document; the existing Java SE 6 annotations are inadequate. Similarly to type qualifiers, other pluggable type systems [Bra04b] and similar lint-like checkers also require these extensions to Java's annotation system.

As an example of how our system might be used, consider a @NonNull type qualifier that signifies that a variable should never be assigned null [Det96, Eva96, DLNS98, FL03, CMM05]. The code in figure 1 demonstrates @NonNull in a sample method. A programmer can annotate any use of a type with the @NonNull annotation. A compiler plug-ins would check that a @NonNull variable is never assigned a possibly-null value, thus enforcing the @NonNull type system.

Figure 1: The DAG class, which represents a directed acyclic graph, illustrates how type qualifiers might be written by a programmer and checked by a type-checking plug-in in order to detect or prevent errors.
(1) The @NonNullDefault annotation indicates that no reference in the DAG class may be null (unless otherwise annotated). It is equivalent to writing line 
4 as “@NonNull Set<@NonNull Edge> edges;”, for example. This guarantees that the uses of edges on line 10, and e on lines 11 and 12, cannot cause a null pointer exception. Similarly, the (implicit) @NonNull return type of getNeighbors() (line 8) enables its clients to depend on the fact that it will always return a List, even if v has no neighbors.
(2) The two @Readonly annotations on method getNeighbors (line 8) guarantee to clients that the method does not modify (respectively) its argument (a Vertex) or its receiver (a DAG). The lack of a @Readonly annotation on the return value indicates that clients are free to modify the returned List.
(3) The @Interned annotation on line 8 (along with an @Interned annotation on the return type in the declaration of Edge.from(), not shown) indicates that the use of object equality (==) on line 11 is a valid optimization. In the absence of such annotations, use of the equals method is preferred to ==.

@Readonly is another example of a useful type qualifier [BE04, TE05, GF05, KT01, SW01, PBKM00]. Similar to C's const, an object's internal state may not be modified through references that are declared @Readonly. A type qualifier designer would create a compiler plug-in (an annotation processor) to check the semantics of @Readonly. For instance, a method may only be called on a @Readonly object if the method was declared with a @Readonly receiver. @Readonly's immutability guarantee can help developers avoid accidental modifications, which are often manifested as run-errors. An immutability annotation can also improve performance. For example, a programmer can indicate that a particular method (or all methods) on an Enterprise JavaBean is readonly, using the Access Intents mechanism of WebSphere Application Server.

Additional examples of useful type qualifiers abound. We mention just a few others. C uses the const, volatile, and restrict type qualifiers. Type qualifiers YY for two-digit year strings and YYYY for four-digit year strings helped to detect, then verify the absence of, Y2K errors [EFA99]. Type qualifiers can indicate data that originated from an untrustworthy source [PØ95, VS97]; examples for C include user vs. kernel indicating user-space and kernel-space pointers in order to prevent attacks on operating systems [JW04], and tainted for strings that originated in user input and that should not be used as a format string [STFW01]. A localizable qualifier can indicate where translation of user-visible messages should be performed; similarly, annotations can indicate other properties of its contents, such as the format or encoding of a string. An interned qualifier can indicate which objects have been converted to canonical form and thus may be compared via object equality. Type qualifiers such as unique and unaliased can express properties about pointers and aliases [Eva96, CMM05]; other qualifiers can detect and prevent deadlock in concurrent programs [FTA02, AFKT03]. Flow-sensitive type qualifiers [FTA02] can express typestate properties such as whether a file is in the open, read, write, readwrite, or closed state, and can guarantee that a file is opened for reading before it is read, etc. The Vault language's type guards and capability states are similar [DF01].

Further details

The full extensions to the Java language syntax and to the class file format can be found at the JSR 308 webpage, http://pag.csail.mit.edu/jsr308/.

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