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Research Abstracts - 2007
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FPGA and ASIC Developement

Kermin E. Fleming

Current Interests

Currently I'm working on several ASIC development projects for various audio and video applications. The most complete of these is a baseline profile implementation of the H264 protocol, which is currently capable of delivering realtime television quality video when run from an FPGA. I'm also interested in developing formal methodologies for integrating hardware and software design. In particular, I'm looking to automatically partition a hardware design into hardware and software components. I will have more time to look at these problems when I finish my TQE this term.


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MIT logo Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
The Stata Center, Building 32 - 32 Vassar Street - Cambridge, MA 02139 - USA
tel:+1-617-253-0073 - publications@csail.mit.edu