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Research Abstracts - 2007
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Cache-Oblivious String B-Trees

Michael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton & Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Cache-Oblivious String B-Trees

B-trees are the data structure of choice for maintaining searchable data on disk. However, B-trees perform suboptimally

  • when keys are long or of variable length,
  • when keys are compressed, even when using front compression, the standard B-tree compression scheme,
  • for range queries, and
  • with respect to memory effects such as disk prefetching.

This work develops a cache-oblivious string B-tree (COSBTREE) data structure that is efficient in all these ways:

  • The COSBTREE searches asymptotically optimally and inserts and deletes nearly optimally.
  • It maintains an index whose size is proportional to the front-compressed size of the dictionary. Furthermore, unlike standard front-compressed strings, keys can be decompressed in a memory-efficient manner.
  • It performs range queries with no extra disk seeks; in contrast, B-trees incur disk seeks when skipping from leaf block to leaf block.
  • It utilizes all levels of a memory hierarchy efficiently and makes good use of disk locality by using cache-oblivious layout strategies.

[1] Michael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton, and Bradley C. Kuszmaul. Cache-Oblivious String-Btrees. In The 25th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Prinpiples of Database Systems (PODS 2006), pp. 233-242, Chicago, IL, June 2006.


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