This motivates an approach to speech recognition which is robust to additive noise that is based not on finding inherently robust features, or suppressing/removing interference; rather, one that is based on focusing recognition around those "glimpses" of the target signal which are largely unaffected by interference. Recent work has shown the promise of this method for machine recognition of noisy speech, as well as suggest a model for human speech perception which fits closely to measured human performance [1].
With these properties in mind, acoustic mixtures may be dealt with by considering binary spectral masks which specify the reliable T-F regions for each source in the mixture. Subjective listening on a wide variety of mixtures of speech, music, tones, noise, etc, suggests that for realistic N-source mixtures, there does exist a set of N binary spectral masks which both (a) removes essentially all information from interfering sources, while (b) retaining the essential information of the target source. While this is only a subjective observation, it suggests that the seemingly daunting task of decoding an N-source mixture can be reduced to three distinct (yet inter-related) problems:
Now, the "decoders" (e.g. an ASR system for speech sources) need not be robust to additive interference. The masking step has (presumably) produced a single isolated source (perhaps with missing data).
The estimation of binary time-frequency masks has been proposed as the goal of computational auditory scene analysis [3]. While there have been a variety of proposed methods of estimating spectral masks [7,8], few have effectively utilized high-level information and approached the problem from the general case of multiple sources. Again considering the "glimpsing" model described above, it is likely that there are regions where a good initial hypothesis can be made. If so, it may be possible to use high-level information (for example in the form of an ASR system) to extrapolate the hypothesis into corrupted regions, thus providing some information to estimate masks. In a purely top-down approach to mask estimation, knowledge about one (or more) of the sources is used to estimate reliable T-F regions, and the N-source decoding problem is reduced to two steps (temporarily ignoring estimating N):
Iteration of these steps may allow bootstrapping information from different sources to jointly decode overlapping events. Ultimately, a more satisfactory approach would be to perform this feedback in a real-time tracking scenario, rather than long-term iteration. However, iteration may be a more practical way to begin. These ideas are related to and motivated by prediction-driven techniques proposed previously [4,5].
For speech sources, the "source hypothesis" might consist of word or subword-unit transcriptions. In this case, the feedback step must estimate spectral masks based on these hypothesis transcriptions. There are a wide variety of methods which could be explored to accomplish this, but the results of some preliminary methods are shown in Figure 2. This figure evaluates mask estimation by measuring the percentage of energy the mask retains from the target vs. the percentage of energy the mask discards from the interference (here, a second speaker). Mask estimates are made by comparing speaker-dependent average spectra for the phonetic label at each frame (equivalent to maximum likelihood binary classification with single, diagonal Gaussian models). The perfect mask would be in the upper-left corner. How points on this plane map to recognition accuracy will need to be determined. However, if a missing feature recognizer is used and an initial phonetic hypothesis can create a mask above the diagonal, it may be possible to "step" from the upper-right corner towards the optimal upper-left with iteration.
The second major step in this approach is to perform decoding given a spectral mask. Subjectively, for many mixtures, the "ideal" spectral mask can be used to produce a reconstructed waveform which is perceptually indistinguishable from the original. Therefore, one approach is to perform this reconstruction and send the isolated waveforms to a standard speech recognizer. Figure 3 shows the results of running the SUMMIT recognizer on reconstructed waveforms from oracle masks for a range of mask thresholds and at various SNRs for two-speaker mixtures and speech in speech-shaped noise.
We can see there do exist masks which can achieve very high performance in adverse conditions (e.g. nearly 90% accuracy at 0 dB speech-shaped noise) for the simple vocabulary task of the GRID corpus [6]. Interestingly, the recognizer prefers masks at a considerably low masking level (-15 to -25 dB), i.e. it prefers including much more of the target signal at the expense of allowing more interference. Other results not shown here indicate that it may be possible to train a standard recognizer in such a way to expect masked inputs at some level. However, it is likely that the recently developed methods of missing-data recognition [7] would be more appropriate than relying on a standard recognizer. In particular, the method of bounded marginalization is seemingly well suited to the the problem of working with additive mixtures.
We have only begun exploring this area of work. To proceed, a missing feature recognizer is needed, and mask estimation techniques will be further explored. It is desired to begin with a framework which could hypothetically work for an arbitrary mixture of N sources. However, in practice we will have to concentrate on specific cases and work with examples which begin with specific assumptions. The general framework proposed can incorporate any range of known information or assumptions on the sources, so we can experiment with different cases, e.g. speech plus stationary noise, two speakers, N speakers, speech plus music, speech plus a known signal, etc.
[1] Cooke, M. P. A glimpsing model of speech perception in noise, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, in press. 2006
[2] Miller, G.A. and Licklider, J.C.R. The intelligibility of interrupted speech, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 22, 167-173, 1950.
[3] Wang D.L. On ideal binary mask as the computational goal of auditory scene analysis, In Divenyi P. (ed.), Speech Separation by Humans and Machines, pp. 181-197, Kluwer Academic, Norwell MA. 2005.
[4] D.P.W. Ellis. Prediction-driven computational auditory scene analysis, Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Elec. Eng & Comp. Sci., M.I.T. 1996.
[5] D.P.W. Ellis. Speech recognition as a component in computational auditory scene analysis, Unpublished monograph. 1998.
[6] Cooke, M. P., Barker, J., Cunningham, S. P. and Shao, X. An audio-visual corpus for speech perception and automatic speech recognition, submitted to Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, in press. 2005.
[7] Cooke, M. P., Green, P. D., Josifovski, L. B., and Vizinho, A. Robust automatic speech recognition with missing and uncertain acoustic data, Speech Communication, 34, 267-285. 2001.
[8] Brown G.J. and Wang D.L. An oscillatory correlation framework for computational auditory scene analysis, Proceedings of NIPS-99, pp. 747-753. 2000.
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