| A | B | C
| D | E | F | G
| H | I | J |
K | L | M | N |
O | P | Q | R
| S | T | U | V
| W | X | Y | Z
- Query Execution in C-Store - A
Column Oriented DBMS
Daniel J. Abadi, David J. DeWitt,
Stavros Harizopoulos, Samuel R. Madden,
Daniel S. Myers & Michael R. Stonebraker
- Transparent Accountable Data
Mining Initiative
Harold Abelson, Tim Berners-Lee,
Chris Hanson, Lalana Kagal,
Gerald Jay Sussman, K. Krasnow Waterman & Daniel J.
- The Intelligent Book
Harold Abelson, Chris Hanson
& Gerald Jay Sussman
- OptimFilt: A New Perspective of
Filter Design
Varun Aggarwal, Wesley O. Jin
& Una-May O'Reilly
- Enabling Automatic Analog/RF Circuit
Varun Aggarwal & Una-May
- Potential Uses of Dynamically Reconfigurable
Analog Circuits
Varun Aggarwal & Una-May
- Unbounded Transactional Memory
C. Scott Ananian, Krste Asanovic,
Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson
& Sean Lie
- Palulu: Automatic Generation of
Unit Regression Tests
Shay Artzi, Michael Ernst, David
Glasser, Adam Kiezun,
Carlos Pacheco & Jeff Perkins
- Dynamic Purity Analysis
Shay Artzi, Adam Kiezun &
Michael Ernst
- CarTel: A Mobile
Sensor Computing System
Hari Balakrishnan, Samuel Madden,
Vladimir Bychkovsky, Kevin Chen,
Waseem Daher, Michel Goraczko, Hongyi Hu, Bret Hull, Allen
Miu & Eugene Shih
- Branch Trace Compression for Snapshot-Based
Kenneth C. Barr & Krste Asanovic
- Adversarial Analyses of Window Backoff
Strategies for Simple Multiple-Access Channels
Michael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton,
Simai He, Bradley C. Kuszmaul
& Charles E. Leiserson
- Modern Implications of IP Spoofing
- Threats, Measurements and Network Architecture
Robert Beverly & Steven Bauer
- SVM Learning of IP Address Structure
for Latency Prediction
Robert Beverly & Karen Sollins
- End-User Programming for the Web
Michael Bolin, Greg Little, Ricarose
Roque, Darris Hupp, Vikki Chou & Robert Miller
- CafNet: Carry-and-Forward Networking
Vladimir Bychkovsky, Kevin Chen,
Hari Balakrishnan & Samuel Madden
- A Measurement Study of the Vehicular Internet
Access Using Unplanned 802.11 Networks
Vladimir Bychkovsky, Bret Hull,
Allen Miu, Eugene Shih, Hari Balakrishnan & Samuel Madden
- Future Internet Design (FIND) at
David D. Clark
- Overlay Networks: Peter Pan or Viable
Networks of Future
David D. Clark, Peyman Faratin,
Steve Bauer, W. Lehr & R. Sami
- Communications Futures Program
David D. Clark, Charles Fine
& Andrew Lippman
- Hybrid Byzantine Fault Tolerance
James Cowling, Daniel Myers &
Barbara Liskov
- SMART: Scalable Medical Alert and Response
Dorothy Curtis, Eugene Shih,
Asfandyar Qureshi, Esteban Pino, Lucila Ohno-Machado,
Robert Greenes & John Guttag
- Comparing Test Generation and Classification
Marcelo d'Amorim, Carlos Pacheco,
Darko Marinov, Tao Xie, & Michael D. Ernst
- Designing for
Microarchitectural Exploration
Dave, Steve Gerding, Michael Pellauer & Arvind
- HASim: A Hardware Partitioned Processor
for fast and Accurate Architectural Exploration
Nirav Dave, Michael Pellauer
& Joel Emer
- Automatic Inference and Enforcement of
Data Structure Consistency Specifications
Brian Demsky, Michael D. Ernst,
Philip J. Guo, Stephen McCamant, Jeff H. Perkins & Martin Rinard
- Multiprocessor Chip for Modular Software
Jack B. Dennis
- Still Image and Motion Picture Compression
Using Stream Programming
Matthew Drake, Rodric Rabbah
& Saman Amarasinghe
- Market-Based Dynamic Load
Balancing for StreamIt Programs
Eric Fellheimer & Una-May
- User-Relative Names for Globally Connected
Personal Devices
Bryan Ford, Jacob Strauss, Chris
Lesniewski-Laas, Sean Rhea, Frans Kaashoek & Robert Morris
- The Drives Project: New Directions
in Complete Delete and Computer Forensics
Simson L. Garfinkel
- Promoting Secure Email
Simson L. Garfinkel & Robert
C. Miller
- The Extreme Benchmark Suite
Steve Gerding & Krste Asanovic
- WaveScope: A Wireless Sensor Computing
System for High Data Rate Applications
Lewis Girod, Kyle Jamieson, Yuan
Mei, Stan Rost, Arvind Thiagarajan, Timur Tokmouline,
Hari Balakrishnan & Sam Madden
- Space-Time Multiplexing of Stream Programs
Michael Gordon & Saman Amarasinghe
- Annotation-less Unit Type Inference for
Philip J. Guo & Stephen McCamant
- Fjalar: A Dynamic Analysis Framework
for C and C++ Programs
Philip J. Guo, Stephen McCamant
& Michael D. Ernst
- Dynamic Inference of Abstract Types
Philip J. Guo, Jeff H. Perkins,
Stephen McCamant & Michael D. Ernst
- The IRIS Project: Scalable, Robust,
Peer-to-Peer Systems
M. Frans Kaashoek, David Karger,
Robert Morris, Emil Sit & Jeremy Stribling
- The Rein Policy Framework for the Semantic
Lalana Kagal, Tim Berners-Lee,
Dan Connolly & Daniel Weitzner
- Asynchronous Guarded Atomic Action
Michal Karczmarek & Arvind
- Refactoring for Parameterizing Java
Adam Kiezun, Michael Ernst, Frank
Tip & Robert Fuhrer
- Power Performance of Tiled Processor
Thodoris Konstantakopoulos, Ian
Bratt, James Psota, W. Lee & Anant Agarwal
- The Vector-Thread Architecture
Ronny Krashinsky, Christopher
Batten & Krste Asanovic
- A Segemented Parallel-Prefix VLSI
Circuit with Small Delays for Small Segments
Bradley C. Kuszmaul
- Feedback-directed Random Test Generation
Carlos Pacheco, Shuvendu K. Lahiri,
Sanjukta Pal, Thomas Ball & Michael D. Ernst
- Goal and Technique-based Scripting
Justin Mazzola Paluska, Hubert
Pham, Umar Saif, Chris Terman & Steve Ward
- JustPlay: Automatic System Configuration
Justin Mazzola Paluska, Hubert
Pham, Chris Terman & Steve Ward
- A Stored-Processor Abstract Machine Supporting
a Recursive Cellular Virtual Machine
Heidi Pan, Rose Liu & Krste
- Custom Type Qualifiers Through Improved
Java Annotations
Matthew M. Papi & Michael
D. Ernst
- The Daikon System for Dynamic Detection of
Likely Invariants
Jeff H. Perkins & Michael
D. Ernst
- Instrumentation of Standard Libraries in
Jeff H. Perkins, David Saff,
& Michael D. Ernst
- Robust Network Connectivity: When
It's The Big Picture That Matters
Enoch Peserico & Larry Rudolph
- Reconfigurable Computing Using the NPOP
Component System
Hubert Pham, Justin Mazzola Paluska,
Umar Saif, Chris Terman & Steve Ward
- Database Fault-Tolerance with
Heterogeneous Replication
Ben Vandiver, Hari Balakrishnan,
Barbara Liskov & Sam Madden
- How To Construct a Correct and Scalable
iBGP Configuration
Mythili Vutukuru, Paul Valiant,
Swastik Kopparty & Hari Balakrishnan
- Non-GUI, Dynamic Control of Smart
Emily Yan, Alexander Ram &
Larry Rudolph
- CarTelDB: Continuous Query Processing in
an Intermittently Connected World
Yang Zhang, Bret Hull, Vladimir
Bychkovsky, Hari Balakrishnan & Samuel Madden
